Communicating with ZAPP Artists


You can email artists individually, through ZAPP, in three ways:

By searching for the artist: 

  1. Click the Artists tab.
  2. Type in the name of the artist you would like to email and click “Search.”
  3. Click on their email address within the table that loads.
  4. Compose, preview, and send your email.

From the Event Administration page:

  1. Click on the number next to the artist’s status. To see all artists, click the “click here” link within the Applications by Status table.
  2. Ensure the Email Address field within your Table Editor has been selected. 
  3. Click on the email address of the artist you wish to email.
  4. Compose, preview, and send your email.

From the Artist Citation page:

  1. On the Event Administration page, click on the number next to the artist’s status. To see all artists, click the “click here” link within the Applications by Status table.
  2. Click the Application ID number for the artist you wish to email.
  3. Click on the artist’s email address at the top of the page.
  4. Compose, preview, and send your email. 

Emails sent to individual artists can be viewed by clicking on the email within the artist citation page, under the Communication section.


You can email an entire status, through ZAPP, using the Communication tool:

Image displays the ZAPP Communication page. Various checkboxes display for the different statuses and events can also filter by tags via a dropdown.

To email all of the artists in a status, hover over Events in your main menu and select Communication. Once the page loads, click on the statuses of the artists you wish to email, and then click “Select.” If you would like to email only flagged or tagged applicants or exclude flagged or tagged applicants, select the applicable choice from the dropdown. You will then be given the option to select the flags or tags you wish to send to or exclude.

When composing the email, you can control the following fields:

  • From Name: Your name or organization.
  • Reply-To Address: The email address from which artists will respond to your message.
  • BCC: The recipients who will receive a blind copy of this message. Up to five emails can be included, separated by commas. 
  • Subject Line: The subject line of your message. The only special characters allowed in this field are: ​# – , . * / & ( ) + “

Communication Templates

For messages that you send with regularity or that you want to store for future use, you can create and save templates in the communication tool. To access the templates, click on the statuses of the artists you wish to email. If you will not be sending an email right away, just select any status and click “Select.” 

Click the drop-down menu next to Template in the Compose Email section. Under “Custom Templates,” click Edit Templates. This will open the Communication Template Editor, where you can create a new email template. All custom saved templates will display on the left-hand side of your screen.

Image depicts the Communication Template Editor. All fields are blank.

To use a custom template in an email after you have saved it, select the desired template from the “Template” drop-down menu. You can then make any edits necessary before sending it to your artists. 

Templates will be retained year-over-year and can be inserted into any communication with an artist.


To pull up an email that you previously sent through ZAPP, click on one of your artists’ Application IDs. Under the Communication section on the following page, you will be able to see a record of emails sent to the artist.  

If you are looking for an email sent to a specific artist, use the “Search Applications” box to pull up the artist’s application. Click on their Application ID and then scroll down to the Communication section to see the emails that were sent to them.


Event Communication Spam Score Report

You can use this page to see the spam scores for emails you sent through ZAPPlication. Scores below “5” are considered positive scores. The spam scores on ZAPP are most affected by the inclusion of additional images or specific words that generally have a higher likelihood of being marked as spam. If you review your spam score report and see that one of your messages received a score higher than “5,” you can review the details in the report to determine whether you want to resend the message after revising it to improve its spam score.

Communication Bounce Report

This report will display a list of email addresses that did not receive your email as well as a code that will let you know why. You may need to contact these artists by phone so they can correct their email addresses in their ZAPP profile to ensure that they receive your emails. 

This report will display the names of the artists who did not receive the message, the subject line of the message, their email addresses, an error summary, and the date the email bounced.

Our Score: