Don’t have access to ZAPP Onsite? Email the ZAPP team.
To set up ZAPP Onsite, you need to have all of the artists attending your event placed in either the Accepted or Confirmed status, and each artist needs to have a booth number. Once those criteria are met, follow the steps below to set up your onsite jury:
General Adjudication Information
- Log in to Click on Onsite in your menu bar, and pull up your event.
- Fill in your Adjudication Start and End Dates (the dates you will begin and complete scoring). Jurors will only be able to log in and score on these dates.
- Upload your site map.
- Jurors who scored during your initial jury will automatically populate in the Adjudicators box. If these are the same jurors who will score at your event, select their names from the list and click on the arrow to move them from “Adjudicators” to “Selected.”
- If you need to create new adjudicator accounts, click on the “Add Adjudicator” button. Be sure to click the “Save” button before clicking the “Add Adjudicator” button to save your progress on this page. Fill out the required fields and click “Add” to create the account. On the next page, be sure to select your event from the Jury Access list so the juror has access to your event. Once you have created their account, navigate back to the Onsite page and move the juror from “Adjudicators” to “Selected.”
- Click “Save and Continue.”
Booth Assignment
Before you add booth assignments, you must fill out the General Adjudication Information tab and assign booth numbers to all participating artists. Adjudicators at your event will only be able to score booths to which they are assigned.
To assign booths to specific adjudicators, you can follow these steps:
- Click on the name of the adjudicator.
- In the box to the right of your adjudicators, you’ll see a list of all artists who have a booth number.
- Assign booths for a juror to score by clicking the red X next to the artist’s name. The red X will change to a green checkmark when assigned.
- You can filter the booth listing by category to assign jurors booths in specific medium categories. Click the Select All or Select None links under the “Assign Booths” button to assign all booths to a specific juror or to remove all assignments from that juror.
- Click “Assign Booths” to save your settings.
ZAPP Onsite automatically checks to see if all artists are being scored by the same number of jurors. If any booths do not have an equal number of jurors scoring them, they will display at the bottom of your screen, under the To Do section.
To save your work and to finalize your setup, click “Continue.”
On the final tab for setting up your Onsite jury, you will create your scoring scheme for jurors. If you are scoring numerically, you can set up any scale you would like (1 – 10, 1 – 100, etc.). You can also choose to have your adjudicators score by selecting “Yes” or “No” or “Yes,” “No,” or “Maybe.”
Underneath the scoring schema section, you can create different categories with varying weights for your jurors to score. This is completely customizable but think along the lines of: quality of work, overall creativity, and booth set up. You can assign a weight to each of these categories that will determine the impact each one has on the artist’s total score. The weight of all categories, when added up, needs to equal 100%.